Will India adopt blockchain voting system?

The Indian Election Commission is now considering a blockchain voting system and has partnered with the Indian Institute of Technology to develop a blockchain voting system. Sunil Arora, Chief Election Commissioner, believes that blockchain will improve voter turnout as more people from different regions choose to vote even when they are away from their hometowns of registration.

Aleksander Essex and Jeremy were the developers who identified the potential of blockchain in the validation of the voters, when they used bitcoin as a form of carbon footprint in digital information that could make electronic voting secure and efficient.

Several startups have since followed up to build on the Blockchain electronic voting infrastructure, such as FollowMyVote-a Virginia-based company.

Blockchain researchers have also run acid tests on how to eliminate vulnerabilities in blockchain voting systems. However, several entities remain skeptical about the implementation of blockchain in voting owing to the increasing trend of hackers exploiting blockchain applications.

Still, Blockchain voting remains one of the most explored blockchain use cases.


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