Crypto Community Launches Anti-Musk Coins

Angry members of the crypto community have turned on Tesla founder Elon Musk, launching new anti-Musk coins that leave nothing to the imagination.

Founders of two new cryptocurrencies, $StopElon and FELON (F**k Elon), are calling for users to abandon Dogecoin and sabotage Musk’s company.

Musk, no stranger to controversy, has apparently sinned twice. He recently appeared on SNL, dissing cryptocurrency as a ‘hustle’ and sending markets into a tailspin. Then he publicly rejected Bitcoin as payment for his electric vehicles, immediately devaluing the currency.

The furious reaction to his comments has taken anti-Musk sentiments to new heights—fuelling a whole new chapter in cryptocurrency history.

What are the new coins all about?

The declared aim of the new $StopElon token and campaign is simple—to “destroy the biggest market manipulator of them all.”

With founders letting it all hang out, things are getting serious. The plan is to use capital raised to gain complete control of Tesla stock, ultimately firing CEO Musk.

As Benzinga reports, the developers have employed some drastic strategies to take things up to Musk. For instance, they destroyed 40% of the token’s supply, then returned 6% of the transaction fees to token holders.

On the FELON front, it’s baby steps at this stage. With the coin’s earliest trading price recorded by PooCoin on May 12, the coin has a way to go before making real impact.

The Musk effect: divide and conquer

Elon Musk, a truly unpredictable billionaire, divides people like no other. It wasn’t so long ago that Elongate greeted the world, complete with social conscience and genuine philanthropy.

Both a project and a token, Elongate launched in response to Musk’s tweet about wanting any future Musk-linked scandal to be dubbed ‘Elongate’. In homage to Musk, the new coin-based social enterprise—independent of the entrepreneur—donated close to $US1 million to major charities within a month of its March launch.

But with Musk always courting scandal, things have turned genuinely sour. Now, he’s on the coin-based nose for his flippant attitude to the crypto community. The StopElon web platform accuses him of “irresponsibly manipulating the cryptocurrency market with his Twitter account”—toying with people’s portfolios “like candy”.

So, is it dusk for Musk? Time will tell, but crypto warriors are gunning for one of the world’s richest players. They might even fly him to Pluto, if the StopElon website is anything to go by. But don’t hold your breath . . .


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