Golden Triumph: Schiff Breaks the Bitcoin Barrier

Peter Schiff, a known critic of cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), has surprisingly taken a new path that has left both his followers and critics in disbelief. Known for his traditional views on finance and unwavering faith in gold, Schiff has made a pivot that can only be described as a “Golden Triumph.”

For years, Schiff openly criticized the cryptocurrency sector, once dismissing NFTs as lacking intrinsic value and prone to replication. Yet, in an unexpected move, the renowned economist and financial broker is now stepping into the world of digital assets by launching his own NFT art collection.

Titled “Golden Triumph,” the collection underscores Schiff’s steadfast belief in gold as a reliable store of value. It’s a unique venture that blends the traditional with the digital, grounding the futuristic NFT trend with the timeless allure of gold.

The collection, created in partnership with digital artist Market Price, contains a captivating physical painting on an oil linen canvas that portrays a human hand firmly clutching a bar of gold. This image, rich in symbolism, is repeated across 50 prints on archival paper and 50 digital representations, marked as Ordinal NFTs on the Bitcoin network.

Golden Triumph presents a thoughtful exploration of the intersection between physical and digital assets, traditional and modern stores of value. It’s a bold move that highlights Schiff’s willingness to engage with new financial technologies, despite his previous reservations.

The collection was made available for bidding from June 2 to June 9, opening up a unique opportunity for digital art enthusiasts and gold aficionados alike to engage with Schiff’s unexpected new venture.




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Maria Irene
Maria Irene
Maria Irene is a multi-faceted journalist with a focus on various domains including Cryptocurrency, NFTs, Real Estate, Energy, and Macroeconomics. With over a year of experience, she has produced an array of video content, news stories, and in-depth analyses. Her journalistic endeavours also involve a detailed exploration of the Australia-India partnership, pinpointing avenues for mutual collaboration. In addition to her work in journalism, Maria crafts easily digestible financial content for a specialised platform, demystifying complex economic theories for the layperson. She holds a strong belief that journalism should go beyond mere reporting; it should instigate meaningful discussions and effect change by spotlighting vital global issues. Committed to enriching public discourse, Maria aims to keep her audience not just well-informed, but also actively engaged across various platforms, encouraging them to partake in crucial global conversations.


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