Investor Kyle Chasse advises investors to see crypto as long term plan

Bitcoin price to reach $50,000 by end-2020, he predicts

Cryptocurrency investor and technology entrepreneur Kyle Chasse, who’s been in the field since 2013 and founded blockchain advisory Master Ventures, recently gave an interview where he explains why he believes crypto has a future.

Kyle, who predominantly holds Bitcoin, says he would advise investors to be in it for the long run.

“When I’m looking to invest in any other digital assets, I compare it to Bitcoin. I do a lot of due diligence before investing in anything,” he says.

Master Ventures he says is like a “venture studio” or think tank of blockchain technology. “One of them is House of DAO, which is a crypto blockchain technology, coworking, co-living hub here in Koh Phangan, Thailand which just got blasted to number six in the world for places to live as a digital nomad and number one in Thailand,” says Kyle, who mentions that he decided to move there two years ago, and everyone else is now realizing how magical this place is.

For people who want to raise money through investing, Kyle says “it’s very difficult right now”. But advice would be to focus on one thing that you want to pitch “because if you start pitching multiple different things to investors, you’ll lose them”.

And though he is a long term holder of Bitcoin, Kyle says that he estimates Bitcoin cost at the end of 2020 to be around $50,000. “At the end of the next bull run where it kind of peaks out before it drops again I would say something like $300,000,” he said.

Here’s what Kyle has invested in

I still have some Bitcoin cash from the fork. Sold my SV. I have Chainlink. I have some coins of projects we worked for before: Elrond, Money On Chain, Splits, Blockwell.

I really like Monero. I believe there’s a need for a solid privacy coin and I think that Monero is the best of them.


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