Zawadi integrates with Eventbrite 

Zawadi has announced integration with Eventbrite, which means that event organizers using Eventbrite can now deliver tokenized tickets to their attendees through social messaging apps including WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, and Line messenger. Zawadi says it is a safer and more convenient method of ticket delivery.

Tickets for instance can be transferred on-chain on the secondary market, which eliminates occurrences where scammers sell fake tickets or resell a single ticket multiple times to unsuspecting buyers.

Zawadi has been collaborating with the Matic Network team for the last few months to build a tokenized mobile ticket delivery system that can be integrated with the worlds’ most popular ticketing platforms.

Zawadi is already live on Beta-mainnet and will be transitioning to full mainnet once launched. The scalability of the Matic Network will allow Zawadi to handle large volumes of ticket transactions, therefore meeting the demands of millions of users, even during periods of high traffic.

Once an attendee purchases an Eventbrite ticket from an organizer using Zawadi, an NFT with the ticket details is minted on Matic Network and delivered to the buyer’s WhatsApp, Line Messenger or FB Messenger account.

Using Biconomy’s relayer infrastructure for peer to peer ticket transfers, the platform abstracts blockchain complexities.

For more information click here.


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