Flipstarter campaigns, fueled by Bitcoin, raise $1 million

The Flipstarter platform has gained traction in the last five months raising $1 million in bitcoin cash for 12 different campaigns. Flipstarter’s developers said the application demonstrates how “stakeholder funding of the commons can work”.

One of the first fundraisers was dedicated to one of the BCH community’s most popular nonprofits Eatbch. The organization leverages bitcoin cash (BCH) donations to help feed people in need throughout Venezuela and South Sudan.

During the last five months, people donated $6,000 in BCH donations to the Eatbch Flipstarter campaign. Other Flipstarter funded campaigns saw donations sent to infrastructure development, developer adoption, and peer-to-peer electronic cash adoption as well.

According to the team, in less than five months, stakeholders have invested more than $1,000,000 in 12 campaigns. Each of the recent campaigns was created and operated by its team with no central authority.

Leveraging BCH exchange rates at the time of the announcement, infrastructure funding saw $769,200 in donations sent to Electron Cash, Knuth, Mark Lundeberg, BCHD, BCHN, Bitcoin Verde, and BitcoinCashJ.

Alongside this, two general adoption efforts stemming from SofiaBCH, and Bit for Tip were also funded ($11,904) via Flipstarter as well.

It’s quite common to see a few popular Flipstarter campaigns being advertised on Twitter and Reddit forums like r/btc these days. Last week the BCH proponent and Reddit user u/Shadowofharbringer said that before Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Flipstarter came to be, he “never thought that spending money can feel so good.”

Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay


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