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Polygon’s POL Shift: A New Era for Ethereum Scaling


Polygon Labs is making significant moves to shape the future of its network. On 4 September, the Ethereum scaling platform will transition from its long-standing MATIC token to the newly introduced POL token. This migration is a crucial step in Polygon’s ambitious Polygon 2.0 roadmap, which envisions the network evolving into a sophisticated zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) system with its own network of interoperable, application-specific blockchains.

The change from MATIC to POL is more than just a token swap; it represents a foundational shift in how the Polygon network will operate moving forward. For those holding MATIC, understanding the implications of this migration and the steps required—if any—will be key to navigating the transition smoothly.

The POL token is set to replace MATIC as the native token of the Polygon network. This means POL will take over the roles of gas and staking token on Polygon’s main proof-of-stake (PoS) chain, as announced in a July blog post by Polygon. The migration sets the stage for the broader Polygon 2.0 initiative, which aims to transition the network into a zkEVM system. This system will integrate multiple interoperable blockchains, enabling a more scalable, secure, and versatile platform for developers and users alike.

One of the standout features of the POL migration is its impact on network utility. As with MATIC, validators on the Polygon blockchain who engage in staking can earn rewards by restaking their POL tokens. This staking mechanism will extend beyond just the main Polygon PoS chain. Under Polygon 2.0, POL will be used to secure other chains within Polygon’s aggregated network, known as the AggLayer. The AggLayer is a core component of Polygon 2.0, designed to aggregate zero-knowledge proofs from all connected chains, ensuring the security of near-instant, atomic cross-chain transactions.

For MATIC holders, the transition to POL is designed to be as seamless as possible. If you hold MATIC on the Polygon PoS chain, there’s nothing you need to do—the conversion to POL will happen automatically. This automation should provide peace of mind to the majority of users, allowing them to continue using the network without disruption.

However, if you hold MATIC on other networks or in specific wallets, some action may be required. For instance, MATIC holders on the Ethereum network will need to migrate their tokens to POL through the Polygon Portal Interface. This process is straightforward for most users, but it does involve bridging tokens to Ethereum. Likewise, those holding MATIC on Polygon’s zkEVM layer-2 network or on centralised exchanges may need to upgrade their tokens by bridging them to Ethereum. Polygon has already deployed a migration contract to facilitate this process, but it is aimed at advanced users who are comfortable with more complex operations.

For users with MATIC as ERC-20 tokens stored in hardware wallets like Ledger, manual conversion to POL may be necessary. While Polygon has not yet provided detailed instructions for this process, users should stay tuned for updates to ensure they can complete the migration without issues. It’s worth noting that there is currently no set deadline for converting MATIC to POL, either on Ethereum or the Polygon zkEVM network. This flexibility should help alleviate concerns about rushing through the migration process.

That said, the Polygon community could be granted the authority to establish a deadline for conversion in the future, according to Polygon’s blog post. This potential for a community-set deadline adds an interesting dynamic to the migration process, giving users and stakeholders a say in how the transition is managed.

The move from MATIC to POL is a significant step in Polygon’s journey toward becoming a more robust and versatile blockchain platform. By transitioning to a zkEVM system, Polygon aims to address some of the key challenges facing Ethereum scaling, such as high gas fees and limited transaction throughput. The introduction of POL as the native token across the network’s multiple chains will help streamline operations and provide a unified staking and gas mechanism that can scale with the network’s growth.

Polygon’s vision for its 2.0 roadmap is ambitious, and the migration to POL is just the beginning. The shift to a zkEVM system with a network of interoperable blockchains could position Polygon as a leading platform for decentralised applications, particularly in areas where scalability and security are paramount. The AggLayer’s ability to aggregate zero-knowledge proofs from connected chains and ensure the security of cross-chain transactions is a testament to the innovative approach Polygon is taking to Ethereum scaling.

For developers and users alike, the migration to POL opens up new possibilities. Developers can look forward to building on a platform that offers more flexibility and scalability, while users can benefit from a network that is faster, more secure, and more cost-effective. The seamless integration of POL across the Polygon network will help ensure that these benefits are realised without the friction that often accompanies major network upgrades.

As the 4 September migration date approaches, Polygon Labs is likely to provide further details and updates to help users navigate the transition. For now, the focus is on ensuring that MATIC holders are prepared for the shift to POL, whether that involves taking action to convert their tokens or simply waiting for the automatic migration on the Polygon PoS chain. With the groundwork for Polygon 2.0 being laid through this migration, the network is on track to make significant strides in its evolution as a leading Ethereum scaling solution.

Game On: Sui Blockchain Powers a Handheld Revolution


Mysten Labs, the name behind the Sui blockchain, is pushing the boundaries of gaming with its upcoming SuiPlay0X1. Slated for release in the first half of 2025, this handheld device aims to blend the worlds of traditional gaming and blockchain technology in a way that feels effortless to the user. The announcement has already stirred interest, particularly with preorders now open at $599. The SuiPlay0X1 promises not just a new piece of tech but a potential shift in how players experience ownership and gameplay in the digital realm.

The SuiPlay0X1 is not just another handheld gaming device. It represents a significant leap in how blockchain technology can be integrated into mainstream gaming without compromising the quality or experience that gamers expect. Adeniyi Abiodun, co-founder of Mysten Labs, emphasised that the device’s core strength lies in its seamless incorporation of blockchain, ensuring that games powered by this technology look and play no differently from their ‘Web2’ counterparts. This subtle yet powerful integration could change the way players perceive ownership within the gaming world, offering a deeper and more engaging experience without any disruption to the fun.

The device, weighing in at 677 grams, is packed with features designed to deliver a robust gaming experience. With an integrated graphics processing unit and the Playtron GameOS—a Linux-based operating system—it is equipped to handle many AAA PC games straight out of the box, without the need for modifications. This is a critical selling point, as it bridges the gap between PC gaming and the handheld experience, offering gamers the flexibility to play their favourite titles on the go.

What sets the SuiPlay0X1 apart from other gaming devices is its dual focus on traditional and blockchain-powered games. This is not merely a gimmick; it reflects a broader trend within the gaming industry where blockchain technology is slowly gaining traction. Mysten Labs is betting on the idea that blockchain can offer something unique to players—true ownership of in-game assets. This could mean that items, characters, or even whole game worlds could belong to the player in a way that goes beyond the typical in-game purchase. It’s a concept that has been talked about for years, but with the SuiPlay0X1, it may finally be realised in a form that is accessible and appealing to the average gamer.

Among the first games to be available on the SuiPlay0X1 are XOCIETY, a third-person shooter, and DARKTIMES, a Nordic-inspired medieval Brawler Royale. Both titles are designed to showcase the potential of Sui-powered games, offering a taste of what blockchain can bring to the table in terms of gameplay and user experience. XOCIETY, for example, could allow players to own and trade in-game assets in a way that is secure and verifiable, thanks to the underlying blockchain technology. DARKTIMES, with its richly detailed world and fast-paced combat, could demonstrate how blockchain can enhance the immersive qualities of a game, providing players with a sense of ownership that goes beyond the screen.

The introduction of the SuiPlay0X1 also raises interesting questions about the future of gaming hardware. As gaming continues to evolve, so too do the expectations of players. Today’s gamers are not just looking for high-quality graphics and fast processing speeds; they want devices that offer something new and different. The SuiPlay0X1 could be seen as part of this trend, offering a new way to interact with games and potentially reshaping the market for handheld gaming devices.

Yet, as with any new technology, there are challenges to be faced. One of the key hurdles will be convincing gamers that blockchain is not just a buzzword, but something that can genuinely enhance their gaming experience. This will require careful messaging and, more importantly, games that can deliver on the promise of deeper engagement and true ownership. Mysten Labs seems aware of this, as evidenced by their approach to the SuiPlay0X1. By ensuring that the device can run traditional games alongside blockchain-powered titles, they are positioning it as a versatile and future-proof option for gamers of all kinds.

The pricing of the SuiPlay0X1 at $599 also places it in a competitive spot within the market. It’s not the cheapest handheld device available, but it’s far from the most expensive. For what it offers—cutting-edge blockchain technology combined with the ability to play AAA PC games—it represents a strong value proposition. This pricing strategy could be key to its success, appealing to both hardcore gamers and those curious about blockchain without alienating either group.

Mysten Labs’ venture into the hardware space with the SuiPlay0X1 could also signal a broader trend within the tech industry, where companies that were once solely focused on software or services are now exploring the possibilities of creating their own hardware. This vertical integration can offer several advantages, from better control over the user experience to the potential for increased brand loyalty. For Mysten Labs, the SuiPlay0X1 is not just a device; it’s a statement of intent, showcasing their belief in the future of blockchain within the gaming industry.

Looking ahead, the success of the SuiPlay0X1 could have wider implications for the gaming industry as a whole. If the device is able to deliver on its promise, it could pave the way for more widespread adoption of blockchain technology in gaming. This could lead to a new era where players expect—and demand—greater control over their in-game assets and experiences. It could also encourage other companies to explore the potential of blockchain, leading to an increase in innovation within the industry.

However, the journey from preorder to delivery will be closely watched by both supporters and sceptics of blockchain in gaming. The first half of 2025 may seem like a long way off, but in the fast-paced world of technology, it’s just around the corner. Between now and then, Mysten Labs will need to build momentum, ensuring that gamers are not only aware of the SuiPlay0X1 but are excited about what it can offer. This will involve not just marketing and promotion, but also working closely with developers to ensure that the games available on the device live up to the hype.

The SuiPlay0X1 represents a bold step forward for Mysten Labs and for the gaming industry. By blending the best of traditional gaming with the possibilities offered by blockchain, it has the potential to create a new category of handheld devices—one that is as much about ownership and engagement as it is about gameplay. Whether it will succeed in reshaping the market remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the SuiPlay0X1 has already made its mark as a device to watch in the coming years.

Musk’s X Marks a Legal Spot in Brazil


The world of technology and law collided spectacularly as Starlink, the satellite firm owned by Elon Musk, found itself entangled in a legal web spun by Brazil’s Supreme Court. The heart of the dispute? The social media platform X, also owned by Musk, which has become the focal point of a judicial order that has not only rattled the tech world but also sparked intense debates over freedom of expression and the limits of judicial authority.

The saga began on 30 August, when Alexandre de Moraes, a Supreme Court Justice in Brazil, issued a ruling that sent shockwaves through the tech community. Moraes ordered the suspension of X in Brazil, a move that came after Musk allegedly refused to appoint a legal representative for the company’s operations within the country. The ruling, which some have criticised as an overreach, was later upheld by a panel of five Justices, cementing the legal quandary in which Starlink and its associated platforms now find themselves.

Starlink, in its characteristic assertiveness, responded with a statement on 3 September via X, labelling the court’s decision as “illegal.” The post directly called out Justice Moraes, indicating that the suspension was not merely a legal disagreement but part of a broader confrontation between the tech giant and the Brazilian judiciary. The satellite company, while complying with the order to block X in Brazil, made it clear that it would pursue all available legal channels to challenge what it sees as an infringement of its rights.

Musk’s response through Starlink has added a layer of complexity to an already intricate situation. The court order did not just suspend X but also froze Starlink’s assets within Brazil, a move that the company claims is not only unjust but potentially unconstitutional. The legal battle, which Starlink has already begun waging, could set a significant precedent for how international tech companies operate within jurisdictions where they may find themselves at odds with local laws.

The root of the court’s order lies in a broader investigation led by Moraes into alleged misinformation spread on X, particularly concerning Brazil’s former President Jair Bolsonaro. The Justice’s decision to suspend X was framed as part of an effort to curtail the dissemination of false information that could potentially undermine public trust and social stability. However, this has been met with widespread criticism, with many arguing that it crosses the line into censorship and could have far-reaching implications for freedom of speech in Brazil.

The legal entanglement has not gone unnoticed by the public, particularly by X users in Brazil, many of whom have taken to other social media platforms to voice their concerns. The suspension of X, according to some users, is a heavy-handed approach that stifles their ability to communicate and engage in discourse, particularly on political matters. For a platform that has prided itself on being a space for free expression, this suspension represents a significant blow to its user base in one of Latin America’s largest and most digitally connected countries.

Despite the court’s order, reports have emerged that many Brazilian X users have found ways to circumvent the suspension by using virtual private networks (VPNs). These tools, which allow users to mask their location and access content as if they were in another country, have become a popular workaround. However, Justice Moraes’s order did not just stop at suspending X; it also included provisions for fines of up to 50,000 reais (approximately £7,100) for those found to be evading the ban. This has created a climate of uncertainty, with users wondering whether their efforts to stay connected could land them in legal trouble.

The fines and the asset freeze have added fuel to the fire, raising questions about the proportionality of the court’s actions. For many, the penalties seem excessive, particularly given the nature of the alleged offence—spreading misinformation. While there is no denying the harmful impact that false information can have, the measures taken by the court appear to some as an aggressive tactic to coerce compliance, rather than a balanced approach to maintaining public order.

Musk, known for his outspokenness, has not shied away from making his displeasure known. Through Starlink, he has voiced his intention to challenge the court’s ruling on multiple fronts. The legal proceedings, which are expected to unfold in the coming weeks, will likely draw significant attention from both legal experts and the tech community. The outcome could have wide-ranging implications, not just for X and Starlink, but for the broader relationship between global tech companies and national jurisdictions.

At the heart of this legal drama is a larger question: How far can, and should, governments go in regulating social media platforms? In an era where misinformation can spread rapidly and have serious consequences, there is a clear need for some level of oversight. However, striking the right balance between regulation and censorship is a delicate task, one that Brazil’s Supreme Court is now grappling with in real-time.

The implications of this case could resonate far beyond Brazil’s borders. As tech companies continue to expand globally, they are increasingly finding themselves subject to the laws and regulations of countries with vastly different legal systems and cultural norms. This can create situations where companies like Starlink and X must navigate complex legal landscapes, balancing compliance with local laws against their broader business interests and ethical commitments.

For Brazil, the outcome of this legal battle will likely influence how the country approaches the regulation of digital platforms in the future. If the court’s decision is upheld, it could embolden other nations to take similarly stringent measures against tech companies, particularly in cases involving misinformation or other forms of online content that are deemed harmful. On the other hand, if Starlink’s legal challenge is successful, it could set a precedent that limits the extent to which national courts can impose restrictions on global platforms.

As the legal proceedings move forward, all eyes will be on Brazil to see how this conflict between a tech giant and the judiciary unfolds. For now, the suspension of X in Brazil remains a contentious issue, with significant implications for the country’s digital landscape. Whether this will lead to lasting changes in how social media platforms operate in Brazil, or simply become another chapter in the ongoing saga of tech regulation, remains to be seen. What is clear, however, is that this case has opened up a new front in the ongoing debate over the power and responsibility of social media companies in the modern world.

SEC Puts FTX’s Stablecoin Repayment Plan on Shaky Ground


The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) may soon object to bankrupt crypto exchange FTX’s right to repay its users in stablecoins. This new development adds another layer of uncertainty to the ongoing saga of FTX, which has been embroiled in legal battles since its collapse in November 2022.

Stablecoins, typically pegged one-to-one to stable assets like the U.S. dollar, have been a contentious issue for regulators. The SEC’s latest filing suggests that the agency maintains the right to challenge transactions involving crypto assets, including stablecoins. This could potentially block FTX’s efforts to return funds to its users in this manner.

FTX, once the third-largest crypto exchange globally, filed for bankruptcy after its dramatic implosion. Founder Sam Bankman-Fried was convicted in November 2023 on multiple charges, including money laundering, wire fraud, and conspiracy, following the discovery that he had misappropriated $8 billion of customer funds. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison and ordered to return $11 billion in assets.

Amid this turmoil, FTX committed to repaying up to $16.3 billion to its users as part of a new restructuring plan. The plan included a promise to return up to 118% in cash to those owed less than $50,000. However, the SEC’s recent court filing indicates that the regulator has reservations about this repayment plan, particularly the use of stablecoins.

The SEC’s hesitation largely stems from ongoing debates about the legality of stablecoin transactions under current securities laws. The agency has consistently sought to classify certain cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins, as securities, making them subject to stricter regulations.

SEC Chair Gary Gensler has repeatedly voiced concerns over the risks associated with stablecoins. At a capital markets conference in April 2022, Gensler highlighted the potential dangers stablecoins pose to financial stability and monetary policy. He has also warned that stablecoins could harm the American public, comparing them to poker chips at a casino.

The SEC’s opposition to FTX’s repayment plan adds another hurdle for the troubled exchange as it seeks to make amends with its creditors. The outcome of this legal challenge could set a precedent for how other bankrupt crypto firms handle their obligations to users.

Fitness Trackers: The New Frontier in Health Monitoring?


Wearable activity trackers have rapidly become a staple for fitness enthusiasts, with devices like the Fitbit, Apple Watch, and Oura ring gracing the wrists of millions. These gadgets, known for monitoring heart rate, step count, and sleep patterns, are now being explored for their potential to detect diseases. A recent study by the University of South Australia suggests that these consumer-grade devices could play a significant role in early disease detection, particularly for conditions like atrial fibrillation, which is linked to strokes, and even COVID-19.

The research, which reviewed 28 studies involving 1.2 million participants, provides compelling evidence that wearable technology could be more than just a fitness aid. The findings reveal that these devices could accurately identify COVID-19 status in 88 out of 100 cases, a detection rate comparable to rapid screening tests. They could also detect atrial fibrillation in 87 out of 100 cases, aligning closely with the accuracy of tests conducted by medical professionals. Furthermore, the trackers were found to accurately identify falls in 82 out of 100 cases, showcasing their potential in monitoring a range of health-related events.

Originally designed to track physical activity and exercise performance, wearable technology has advanced significantly. Modern devices can measure a variety of health metrics, including blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen levels, sleep quality, skin temperature, hydration, and even stress levels. This expansion in functionality is opening doors to their use in monitoring broader health conditions.

Dr. Ben Singh, the lead researcher from UniSA, believes that wearable activity trackers could revolutionise how medical conditions are detected and managed. “As healthcare budgets continue to soar, the need for cost-effective interventions that reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes has never been more urgent,” Dr. Singh states. His research suggests that wearable devices like Fitbits and Apple Watches have significant potential to detect COVID-19 and heart conditions in real-world settings, offering a new avenue for personal health monitoring.

Dr. Singh highlights that wearable trackers empower individuals to take a proactive approach to their health. They enable users to detect health issues in real-time, allowing them to respond swiftly to any concerns and potentially prevent more severe health problems. This immediate access to health data could be particularly beneficial for individuals at risk of conditions that require ongoing monitoring, such as cardiovascular diseases.

However, while the prospects are promising, there is still room for improvement and expansion. Professor Carol Maher, a co-researcher at UniSA, notes that the true potential of wearable activity trackers is yet to be fully realised. “The beauty of wearable activity trackers is that they provide an easy and convenient way for people to monitor real-time aspects of their health and wellbeing,” she explains. “But their application must encompass a greater number of health conditions and demonstrate greater results across diverse populations before they can be considered for clinical practice.”

The research suggests that while wearable trackers are already providing valuable health data, there are still challenges to overcome before they can be widely adopted in clinical settings. These include demonstrating their effectiveness across a broader range of health conditions and populations, ensuring the accuracy of data collected in various environments, and addressing privacy concerns related to the use of personal health information.

Wearable technology is not without its critics. Some argue that while these devices can provide a wealth of data, they may also lead to unnecessary anxiety or self-diagnosis among users. There are concerns about the accuracy of some of the measurements provided by consumer-grade devices, which are not subject to the same rigorous testing as medical equipment. Additionally, the use of personal health data by tech companies raises privacy issues that must be carefully managed.

Despite these concerns, the potential benefits of wearable technology in health monitoring are hard to ignore. With continued research and development, these devices could become a valuable tool in detecting and managing a wide range of health conditions. As technology continues to advance, wearable activity trackers could play an increasingly important role in personalised healthcare, offering users a convenient and cost-effective way to stay on top of their health.

Looking ahead, the integration of wearable activity trackers into mainstream healthcare could lead to more personalised treatment plans and preventative care strategies. As these devices become more sophisticated, they could provide healthcare professionals with real-time data that helps in the early diagnosis and management of diseases. This could lead to more targeted interventions, better patient outcomes, and potentially lower healthcare costs.

For now, wearable activity trackers represent an exciting development in the world of health technology. While there is still work to be done to fully realise their potential, the evidence suggests that these devices could be a valuable addition to the healthcare toolkit, providing individuals with a powerful way to monitor and manage their health. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or someone looking to take control of your health, wearable technology offers a glimpse into the future of personalised healthcare.

India’s IIT Delhi Lands in Abu Dhabi: A New Era of Global Learning Begins


The prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has marked a significant milestone with the inauguration of its first international campus in Abu Dhabi. This historic event was attended by Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, and has been hailed as a pivotal moment for both Indian and Emirati education sectors. The inauguration, formally announced by the UAE’s official news agency WAM, represents a new chapter in the globalisation of Indian higher education and Abu Dhabi’s ambitions to become a global hub for research and development.

Photo courtesy : X

The establishment of IIT Delhi’s Abu Dhabi campus was a highly anticipated event, following the announcement made during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the UAE in July 2023. The new campus aims to foster a vibrant academic environment and strengthen educational ties between India and the UAE. The first batch of 52 students has already begun their journey, pursuing Bachelor of Technology degrees in Computer Science and Engineering, and Energy Engineering.

Sheikh Khaled, who also serves as the chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, played a central role in the inauguration, which included the launch of several strategic partnerships between IIT Delhi Abu Dhabi and leading higher education institutions in the UAE capital. These collaborations are set to enhance joint research, develop academic programmes, and facilitate student and faculty exchanges, contributing to a robust academic ecosystem in Abu Dhabi.

Among the notable partnerships announced were those with Khalifa University, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, and Zayed University. These collaborations are designed to promote innovation and knowledge exchange, with a particular focus on areas like artificial intelligence, energy, and engineering—fields that are vital to the future economic development of both nations.

The partnership with Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, for instance, will enable joint research projects and postgraduate student exchanges, as well as the organisation of scientific seminars. This alliance is expected to bring together the best minds from both institutions to address global challenges and explore new frontiers in science and technology.

Similarly, the collaboration with Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence will foster joint research initiatives, provide seed project grants, and offer internship opportunities for students. These efforts align with Abu Dhabi’s vision to be at the forefront of technological innovation and research, reinforcing its status as a centre for academic excellence.

Sheikh Khaled praised the opening of IIT Delhi Abu Dhabi as a significant step towards positioning Abu Dhabi as a leading global centre for research and education. He noted that the new campus would not only contribute to the development of a knowledge-based economy but also strengthen the cultural and educational ties between India and the UAE.

During the inauguration, Sheikh Khaled toured the expansive campus, which features state-of-the-art facilities designed to support a diverse academic programme. The campus is equipped with advanced laboratories, research centres, and collaborative spaces that cater to the needs of students and faculty. Courses offered at the campus include energy, engineering, and computer science, reflecting the institute’s commitment to addressing the needs of a rapidly evolving global job market.

IIT Delhi is one of 23 such institutes in India, renowned for producing accomplished engineers, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Often referred to as the MIT and Harvard of India, IIT Delhi has a long-standing reputation for academic excellence and innovation. The decision to establish an international campus in Abu Dhabi underscores the institute’s commitment to expanding its global footprint and sharing its expertise with a broader audience.

The foundation of IIT Delhi Abu Dhabi was formalised through an agreement between the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK), IIT Delhi, and India’s Ministry of Education. This agreement, witnessed by President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in July 2023, represents a strong commitment from both countries to enhance educational cooperation and promote knowledge sharing.

The launch of IIT Delhi’s Abu Dhabi campus is expected to have a far-reaching impact on the academic landscape of the UAE. By providing a platform for high-quality education and research, the campus will attract students and scholars from across the region and beyond. It will also contribute to the UAE’s efforts to diversify its economy by developing a skilled workforce equipped to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world.

Furthermore, the presence of IIT Delhi in Abu Dhabi will facilitate greater cultural exchange and understanding between India and the UAE. By bringing together students and faculty from diverse backgrounds, the campus will foster a multicultural learning environment that encourages collaboration and innovation.

As the first international campus of an IIT, the Abu Dhabi branch represents a bold step forward for Indian higher education. It signals a shift towards a more global approach to education, where knowledge and expertise are shared across borders to address common challenges and create new opportunities.

The inauguration of IIT Delhi Abu Dhabi is just the beginning of what promises to be a transformative journey for both India and the UAE. As the campus continues to grow and develop, it will play a key role in shaping the future of education and research in the region. By fostering a culture of innovation and excellence, IIT Delhi Abu Dhabi is poised to become a beacon of knowledge and a catalyst for change in the global academic community.

With its strong focus on research, collaboration, and student development, IIT Delhi Abu Dhabi is well-positioned to make a lasting impact on the world of education. The new campus not only represents a significant achievement for IIT Delhi but also a major step forward in the ongoing partnership between India and the UAE. As both countries continue to work together to enhance educational opportunities and promote mutual understanding, the future looks bright for IIT Delhi Abu Dhabi and the generations of students who will benefit from its presence.

Game On: Tasmania’s Arcade Extravaganza Hits the Wharf!


Tasmania is about to level up its gaming scene with the arrival of the Level Up Tasmania Video Game Showcase at Princes Wharf 1. Set to transform the venue into a bustling gaming arcade on the 27th and 28th of September, this event will showcase a diverse range of video games created by talented local developers. With free play sessions and opportunities to meet the creators, gaming enthusiasts and families alike are in for a treat.

The Level Up Tasmania Video Game Showcase marks the first of its kind in the state, providing a platform for Tasmanian-made games to be displayed to the public. With the support of the Tasmanian Government, the event aims to highlight the creativity and innovation of the local video game industry. Minister for the Arts, Madeleine Ogilvie, expressed her excitement about the showcase, emphasising the government’s commitment to promoting local talent.

“We’re aware of the incredible talent within our Tasmanian game industry, but many people in our community might not be,” Minister Ogilvie said. “This event is a fantastic way to introduce Tasmanians to the creativity that exists right here in our backyard.”

The showcase will feature over 30 games developed by both emerging and established local developers. Notable names such as Giant Margarita, Adam Walker Studio, and Smash Attack Studios will be on hand to present their latest projects. Additionally, attendees will have the chance to experience globally recognised titles with contributions from Tasmanian developers, such as Cult of the LambA Night in the Woods, and Stray Gods.

With games spanning various genres and catering to different tastes, the event promises something for everyone. Some of the games showcased will be making their public debut, adding an element of exclusivity for attendees.

Friday evening will see the event shift gears with “Level Up Tasmania After Dark,” featuring a professional e-sports competition projected on a large outdoor screen on the PW1 forecourt. This exciting addition aims to engage both avid gamers and those curious about the world of e-sports. Following this, on Saturday afternoon, the AFL Grand Final will also be screened, bringing together sports and gaming fans for a day of entertainment.

Minister Ogilvie highlighted the family-friendly nature of the event, emphasising its broad appeal. “This is truly an event for all ages. Video games are not just about entertainment—they also represent a growing industry with exciting career opportunities. Many Tasmanians could find their passion and potential in this field,” she said.

As the gaming industry continues to expand globally, events like Level Up Tasmania provide crucial exposure for local developers and offer a glimpse into the dynamic world of game development. The showcase also aligns with the Tasmanian Government’s 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, focusing on economic growth and job creation across various sectors.

To further support the development of the local industry, an Industry Day will be held on Sunday, 29th September. This day will be dedicated to enhancing the skills and market knowledge of Tasmanian developers. With presentations, networking opportunities, and workshops, the Industry Day aims to foster growth and collaboration within the local gaming community.

The Level Up Tasmania Video Game Showcase is more than just a celebration of local talent—it represents a commitment to nurturing and growing Tasmania’s creative industries. By providing a platform for developers to showcase their work, the event encourages innovation and collaboration, vital components for the continued growth of the gaming industry in Tasmania.

The showcase is made possible thanks to the support of Screen Australia, Hit 100.9, PW1, Theatre Royal, Apple Box Studios, and the University of Tasmania (UTAS). With such a strong backing, the event is set to make a significant impact, not only within the local gaming community but across the broader Tasmanian cultural landscape.

For those interested in attending, registration for the Level Up Tasmania Video Game Showcase is free and available through the Screen Tasmania website. Similarly, industry professionals looking to participate in the Industry Day can register via the same platform.

As Tasmania prepares to host its first major video game showcase, anticipation is building for what promises to be an exciting and dynamic event. Level Up Tasmania is not just about celebrating games; it’s about recognising the talent and potential within the state. With its blend of fun, innovation, and community spirit, this event is set to be a highlight of Tasmania’s cultural calendar, offering something for gamers, families, and industry professionals alike. So, get ready to game on at Princes Wharf 1 and see Tasmania’s gaming industry take centre stage.

Ripple Expands in Asia with Bold Moves


Ripple has been making waves in Asia this week with a series of announcements aimed at enhancing the crypto infrastructure to support blockchain adoption by institutions. The company is focusing on strengthening the foundations of blockchain technology, particularly in South Korea and Japan, two of the world’s most dynamic markets for digital assets.

One of the key highlights of Ripple’s recent activities is its partnership with Futureverse, an AI and Metaverse technology company. Futureverse has chosen Ripple Custody to securely manage its digital assets. This partnership is a testament to the growing trust in Ripple’s capabilities and its secure custody solutions. Futureverse is already well integrated into the Ripple ecosystem, having adopted the XRPL NFT standard and using XRP as the gas token on the Root Network. Moreover, it is connected with the XRPL DEX to provide network liquidity, showcasing a comprehensive utilisation of Ripple’s technologies.

Ripple’s commitment to expanding the XRP Ledger (XRPL) and its ecosystem is evident through its plans to bring new programmability to the platform. By 2025, Ripple aims to introduce smart contracts to the XRPL developer ecosystem. This ambitious move includes developing the XRPL EVM sidechain, which is already underway, and exploring native smart contract capabilities on the XRPL Mainnet. These initiatives are expected to greatly enhance the functionality of the XRPL, making it more versatile and attractive for developers and businesses alike.

The introduction of smart contracts on XRPL could significantly broaden the platform’s appeal, opening up new opportunities for developers to create innovative applications on the blockchain. Smart contracts allow for self-executing agreements with the terms directly written into code, providing a secure and transparent way to automate transactions and processes. By adding this capability, Ripple is not only enhancing the utility of the XRPL but also positioning it as a leading platform for blockchain development.

Ripple’s strategy also involves fostering academic excellence and research through its University Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI). The latest addition to this initiative is Yonsei University in South Korea, making it the 58th global partner in Ripple’s extensive network of academic collaborations. With over $60 million committed to UBRI, Ripple is providing strategic support, technical resources, and grants to drive research and innovation in blockchain technology. By partnering with leading universities around the world, Ripple is helping to cultivate the next generation of blockchain experts and innovators.

Yonsei University’s inclusion in the UBRI is a significant development, reflecting Ripple’s growing influence in South Korea, a country known for its strong interest in blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. The collaboration is expected to foster new research and development in blockchain, potentially leading to breakthroughs that could benefit the broader Ripple ecosystem. This partnership also aligns with Ripple’s broader goal of supporting the global expansion of blockchain education and research.

Ripple’s efforts in Asia are part of a broader strategy to expand its presence in key markets and promote the adoption of blockchain technology. South Korea and Japan are two of the most active markets for digital assets, with a vibrant community of developers, investors, and enthusiasts. By deepening its engagement in these countries, Ripple is positioning itself to tap into the growing demand for blockchain solutions and drive the next wave of innovation in the sector.

The partnership with Futureverse and the expansion of the UBRI in Asia are just the latest examples of Ripple’s commitment to building a robust and sustainable blockchain ecosystem. These initiatives are aimed at enhancing the utility and usability of blockchain technology, making it more accessible and valuable for businesses and institutions. By providing secure custody solutions, developing new programmability features, and fostering academic research, Ripple is laying the groundwork for a more connected and efficient digital economy.

In addition to these initiatives, Ripple continues to work on improving the XRPL, ensuring it remains a leading platform for blockchain innovation. The development of the XRPL EVM sidechain and the exploration of native smart contract capabilities on the XRPL Mainnet are key components of this effort. These developments will enable developers to create more sophisticated and versatile applications on the XRPL, enhancing its functionality and appeal to a broader range of users.

Ripple’s focus on programmability and smart contracts reflects a broader trend in the blockchain industry towards more advanced and flexible platforms. As the demand for blockchain solutions grows, there is an increasing need for platforms that can support a wide range of applications and use cases. By enhancing the programmability of the XRPL, Ripple is positioning itself to meet this demand and play a leading role in the future of blockchain technology.

Moreover, Ripple’s partnership with Futureverse is a strategic move to integrate AI and Metaverse technologies into the blockchain ecosystem. This collaboration could potentially lead to new and innovative applications that leverage the strengths of both companies. By working with Futureverse, Ripple is not only expanding its reach into new areas of technology but also demonstrating the versatility of the XRPL and its ability to support a wide range of digital assets and applications.

The adoption of the XRPL NFT standard by Futureverse is another significant development, highlighting the growing interest in non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and their potential applications. NFTs represent a new and exciting frontier in the digital asset space, offering unique opportunities for creators, collectors, and businesses. By supporting NFTs on the XRPL, Ripple is positioning itself to capture a share of this rapidly growing market and provide new opportunities for its users.

Ripple’s activities in Asia this week underscore its commitment to expanding its global footprint and promoting the adoption of blockchain technology. By partnering with leading companies and universities, developing new features for the XRPL, and supporting the growth of the blockchain ecosystem, Ripple is paving the way for a more connected and innovative digital economy. As the company continues to make strides in this space, it is poised to play a leading role in shaping the future of blockchain technology.

Cardano’s Leap into Decentralisation: Chang Hard Fork Shakes Up Governance


Cardano, a leading Layer 1 blockchain founded by Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson, has embarked on a groundbreaking journey by initiating the first phase of its Chang hard fork. This move marks a significant shift from a centrally governed model to a fully decentralised governance structure, setting a new precedent in the blockchain world. Over the next 90 days, Cardano will transition to a community-led model, establishing governance bodies that place decision-making power directly into the hands of ADA token holders.

The launch of the Chang hard fork represents a pivotal moment in Cardano’s evolution, showcasing its commitment to the principles of decentralisation. As the first major blockchain to integrate a token-based governance system, Cardano is stepping up at a time when the broader cryptocurrency market is increasingly leaning towards decentralised frameworks.

This initial phase of the Chang hard fork, which is already live, empowers ADA token holders to participate actively in the blockchain’s governance. Token holders can now elect governance representatives and vote on various development proposals directly on-chain. This move is designed to ensure that the future development and direction of Cardano are aligned with the interests of its community, rather than being dictated by a central authority.

As Cardano moves through this transitional phase, an interim committee will oversee the establishment of three new governance groups: a Constitutional Committee, Delegate Representatives, and Stake Pool Operators. These groups will take full control at the end of the 90-day period, marking the completion of Cardano’s shift to a fully decentralised governance model. This new structure aims to enhance transparency and accountability, ensuring that decisions are made in a more democratic manner, reflective of the diverse interests of the Cardano community.

The decision to move towards a decentralised governance model is a bold one, given that the development and governance of Cardano have traditionally been managed by its founding entities: Input Output Global, the Cardano Foundation, and EMURGO. With the Chang hard fork, these entities will no longer hold exclusive control over upgrades or hard forks. Instead, these responsibilities will be passed on to the newly established decentralised bodies, as outlined in Cardano Improvement Proposal CIP-1694.

This shift towards decentralisation is not without its challenges. While the move is being hailed as a significant step forward for Cardano, critics have raised concerns about the potential pitfalls of decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs). Some argue that DAOs can suffer from issues such as bloated budgets, lack of accountability, and the risk of a small group of influential stakeholders dominating decision-making processes. These concerns highlight the complexities involved in managing a decentralised governance model and underscore the need for robust mechanisms to ensure fair and equitable participation by all stakeholders.

Despite these concerns, Cardano’s transition to a decentralised governance model can be seen as an attempt to align itself more closely with the core values of the blockchain community. By empowering ADA token holders and decentralising its governance structure, Cardano is positioning itself as a leader in the move towards a more open and transparent blockchain ecosystem. This move could also help Cardano strengthen its standing with regulators by demonstrating a commitment to enhancing the utility of its native token, ADA, through increased community engagement and participation.

The Chang hard fork is a key milestone in Cardano’s roadmap, representing a significant shift in how the blockchain is managed and developed. As the industry continues to evolve, the ability to adapt and innovate will be crucial for blockchain projects looking to maintain their relevance and competitiveness. Cardano’s decision to embrace decentralisation reflects its understanding of this dynamic and its willingness to take bold steps to ensure its long-term success.

Looking ahead, the success of Cardano’s transition to a decentralised governance model will depend on the ability of the community to work together effectively and make decisions that reflect the diverse interests of its stakeholders. The establishment of the Constitutional Committee, Delegate Representatives, and Stake Pool Operators will be critical to this process, as these groups will be responsible for overseeing the blockchain’s governance and ensuring that it operates in a fair and transparent manner.

As Cardano continues to navigate this transition, it will be important for the community to remain vigilant and proactive in addressing any challenges that may arise. The success of this new governance model will depend on the willingness of all stakeholders to engage constructively and work together towards common goals. By fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect, Cardano can set a positive example for other blockchain projects looking to implement similar governance structures.

The launch of the Chang hard fork and Cardano’s move towards a decentralised governance model represent a bold step forward for the blockchain. By placing decision-making power directly into the hands of ADA token holders, Cardano is demonstrating its commitment to the principles of decentralisation and setting a new standard for governance in the blockchain industry. As the community-led model takes shape over the coming months, all eyes will be on Cardano to see how it navigates this transition and what impact it will have on the broader blockchain ecosystem.

OKX Makes Singapore Crypto Waves with Full Licence and New Leadership


The global cryptocurrency exchange OKX has taken a significant step in solidifying its presence in Singapore. The company announced that its Singapore entity, OKX SG, has received a full Major Payment Institution (MPI) licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). This licence, a coveted credential in the financial world, allows OKX SG to offer a range of digital payment token services and cross-border money transfers, including spot crypto trading tailored for Singaporean investors.

Securing this licence is no small feat. It represents a vote of confidence from Singapore’s financial regulator, known for its stringent standards and meticulous approach to digital asset regulation. This approval positions OKX SG among the elite group of cryptocurrency platforms in Singapore, capable of offering comprehensive services that meet the high expectations of local investors and businesses.

Alongside this announcement, OKX revealed a strategic leadership appointment. Gracie Lin, a seasoned financial executive with extensive experience at the Monetary Authority of Singapore, sovereign wealth fund GIC, and ride-hailing giant Grab, has been named CEO of OKX SG. Lin’s background with MAS, Singapore’s central bank and financial regulatory authority, provides her with a unique insight into the local regulatory landscape. Her leadership is expected to guide OKX SG in navigating Singapore’s complex financial ecosystem and help in crafting services that align with the needs and preferences of Singaporean users.

For Lin, the transition from a regulatory role to a leadership position in a private financial entity marks an intriguing move. Her career trajectory from MAS to the private sector reflects a growing trend among financial professionals who leverage regulatory experience to shape business strategies in fintech and digital assets. Lin’s appointment is a clear indicator of OKX’s commitment to building a team that not only understands the intricacies of compliance but also is adept at innovating within those frameworks.

OKX SG’s new licence allows it to engage directly with the burgeoning digital asset market in Singapore. This market has seen a significant uptick in activity, driven by a combination of factors including a favourable regulatory environment, a tech-savvy population, and a growing interest in digital assets as an alternative investment class. With this licence, OKX SG is well-positioned to expand its offerings and cater to a wide range of investors, from retail traders to institutional players.

Hong Fang, the President of OKX, emphasised Singapore’s importance as a priority market for the exchange earlier this year when the company received its “in-principle” MPI licence. Fang’s comments highlighted the strategic significance of Singapore as a hub for digital asset innovation and a gateway to broader markets in Asia. The full licence now cements OKX’s intentions to make Singapore a cornerstone of its operations in the region.

OKX is not new to the global cryptocurrency arena. It stands as one of the largest exchanges worldwide, with August alone seeing over $67 billion worth of crypto processed on its platform. While this is a substantial figure, it still pales in comparison to Binance, its main competitor, which processed a whopping $448.45 billion in the same period. This stark contrast underscores the competitive nature of the crypto exchange market and the scale at which these companies operate.

The gap between OKX and Binance in terms of trading volume is significant, but it also presents an opportunity for OKX to carve out its niche. By focusing on a market like Singapore, known for its rigorous regulatory standards and sophisticated investor base, OKX has the chance to differentiate itself not just as a volume player but as a trusted platform for secure and regulated crypto trading.

Singapore’s regulatory environment for digital assets is widely regarded as one of the most advanced and comprehensive in the world. The Monetary Authority of Singapore has taken a proactive stance in crafting regulations that balance innovation with risk management. By granting licences such as the MPI, MAS aims to ensure that only well-capitalised and competent firms can offer digital payment services in Singapore. This approach has attracted numerous global players seeking to establish a foothold in Asia’s growing digital asset market.

For OKX, the full MPI licence is not just a regulatory milestone but a strategic tool for expansion. It provides the necessary regulatory clarity and confidence to launch new products and services, attract local partnerships, and engage with a broader audience in Singapore. Furthermore, the licence positions OKX SG to explore new business opportunities in the region, potentially expanding its influence and market share.

Gracie Lin’s appointment is pivotal in this context. Her experience across various high-profile roles in finance and technology equips her with the skills to drive OKX SG’s strategic objectives. At MAS, Lin would have been involved in shaping regulatory policies, giving her an insider’s perspective on compliance and governance. At GIC, she would have gained insights into institutional investment strategies, while her time at Grab likely provided her with exposure to fast-paced, customer-centric innovation. This blend of regulatory insight, investment acumen, and operational experience is precisely what OKX needs to navigate the competitive landscape and build a robust business in Singapore.

Lin’s focus, as articulated in her new role, will be on developing crypto products and services that resonate with Singaporean investors. This localised approach is crucial in a market where understanding cultural nuances and regulatory expectations can make the difference between success and failure. By tailoring its offerings to meet the specific needs of the Singapore market, OKX SG aims to build a loyal customer base and establish itself as a leading player in the region.

The crypto landscape is rapidly evolving, and Singapore’s role as a hub for digital assets is likely to grow. With its new licence and leadership, OKX SG is well-positioned to capitalise on these trends. The challenge now will be to leverage these advantages effectively, offering innovative products while maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance.

As the cryptocurrency market continues to mature, exchanges like OKX that invest in compliance, local leadership, and market-specific strategies are likely to emerge as leaders. The steps taken by OKX SG signal a proactive approach to building a sustainable business in one of the world’s most dynamic financial markets. With Gracie Lin at the helm and a full MPI licence in hand, OKX SG is set to make its mark on Singapore’s crypto scene, bringing new opportunities to local investors and setting the stage for further growth in the digital asset space.