Thrive to create first “marketing oriented” blockchain

Hoping to establish the first “marketing oriented” blockchain in the industry, Thrive is set to give global advertising bigwigs like Google AdSense/AdWords a run for their money.

Thrive, a decentralised platform, is attempting penetrate into the global advertising market by creating a network on which advertisers and content creators can seamlessly integrate digital ads on a peer-to-peer manner, without the interference of intermediaries and third party service providers.

Through the usage of blockchain technology, the Thrive team promises full transparency and data security, which are two advantages which centralised platforms like Google AdSense and Amazon Advertising cannot provide. Often, revenue shares, advertisement margins, and rates are not transparently provided to content creators as accessible data, making it difficult for content creators to plan ahead potential revenues and profits to finance their operations and daily activities.

Blockchain technology’s and its cryptographically encrypted network enables every piece of data to be accessed as public information.

This means that for the first time, both publishers and consumers willing to voluntarily share anonymous data will get monetary rewards. With Thrive, content creators will not experience similar issues they have had on platforms like YouTube, wherein content is unfairly demonetised. Recently, demonetisation of content on major platforms resulted in more than 50 per cent of their revenues were eliminated overnight.

Thrive is targeting a rapidly growing market in digital advertising. The total addressable market of Thrive is nearly $310 billion, and if it can establish itself as a key service provider within the market, it will be able to evolve into a leading advertising marketplace.

Digital advertising spending worldwide—which includes both desktop and laptop computers as well as mobile devices was estimated to be 198.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2016. This figure is forecast to constantly increase during the coming years, reaching a total of 310 billion U.S. dollars by 2020.

The token sale or initial coin offering (ICO) of the Thrive token (THRT) begins on 15 February. 53 per cent of the total supply of THRT (106 Million THRT) will be sold during the token sale. Unsold token will be burned. The initial pricing per THRT will be $0.3, and the dynamic hard cap of the token sale will be set at $30 million.



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