Warren Buffett still not excited about crypto, thanks Sun for the donation

CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett said he will never own crypto in an interview with CNBC’s Becky Quick. “Crypto currencies have no value. You can look at your little ledger item for 20 years and see you can get X of this crypto. It can’t mail you a cheque, it doesn’t produce anything. What you hope is someone will come along later and pay you more for it later on. But in terms of value, it’s a 0.”

When asked if Justin Sun changed Buffett’s perspective on crypto. Buffett replied: “No, but I didn’t change his either. I had a very pleasant dinner. Those four people behaved more than well. Justin gave $4.6 million and that will buy a lot of meals and beds for people in San Francisco. So I thank him,” Buffett added.

When asked if Sun had given him some Bitcoin. Buffett laughed and said: “I don’t have any bitcoin. I do not have any crypto currency and I will never will.”

Crypto Twitter erupted following the interview. Binance founder CZ tweeted and asked Justin Sun if Buffett knows how to sell his Bitcoin. “Should we consider it burned?” CZ commented on the interview and said it was a good effort but “you can only bring the horse near the water”.

Following Buffett’s comments on his dinner with Sun and as a response to CZs comments. Sun tweeted: “I will continue my efforts on teaching grandmas to use crypto.”

The charity dinner with Buffet cost Sun $4.6 million. The founder of Tron gifted Buffett one Bitcoin and some Tron during the charity dinner. Sun once again posted the btc address on his twitter clarifying that the BTC is intact and is very much with Buffett. The Tron community was divided on the money spent on dinner, but many were pleased with the marketing exposure Tron and Bitcoin has received. Personally Sun was pleased with the advice and tweeted: “Dinner with Buffet was not only to help homeless people of SF but also to discuss differences of opinions in investments and life experiences. In terms of charity impact, the dinner was very successful! Mr. Buffett is such a great teacher of life, I learned so much!”


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