Social messaging giant Telegram has introduced a new feature, “Telegram Stars,” offering users the ability to purchase digital goods and services directly within the platform. This move, announced by Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in a recent post, aims to simplify payment processes for users and provide developers with a streamlined way to monetize their mini apps.
Durov highlighted the simplicity of the payment method, emphasizing that developers can now accept payments for digital services through in-app purchases on both Android and iOS platforms. The introduction of Telegram Stars opens up opportunities for developers to generate revenue without the complexity often associated with traditional payment methods.
One of the key features of Telegram Stars is its integration with Toncoin (TON), the native cryptocurrency powering Telegram’s “The Open Network.” Developers have the option to exchange their Stars for TON through Fragment, a platform predominantly utilized for buying and selling Telegram usernames. Additionally, developers can leverage Stars to enhance the visibility of their apps through promotions within the Telegram ecosystem.
In an effort to further support developers, Telegram has announced plans to subsidize advertisements purchased with Stars on Apple and Google platforms. Given the substantial commissions imposed by these platforms on digital product sales, Telegram’s initiative aims to economically incentivize developers to invest in building digital products within the Telegram environment.
Durov underscored the economic advantages of launching apps on Telegram, stating, “If developers reinvest Stars in promoting their app, the overall commission will be nearly 0%.” This strategic approach positions Telegram as a favorable platform for developers seeking to minimize overhead costs associated with app promotion and distribution.
Looking ahead, Telegram has teased future updates to Stars, promising additional features and functionality such as gifts for content creators. This forward-thinking approach reflects Telegram’s commitment to continuously enhancing the user experience and expanding its ecosystem to accommodate evolving user preferences.
Telegram’s track record of success in the realm of digital tokens is exemplified by Notcoin, one of its most popular apps, which garnered a staggering 35 million users within its first five months of launch. Notcoin’s innovative “tap-to-earn” model, where users earn NOT tokens by completing social challenges, has resonated with users and contributed to Telegram’s growing user base.
With over 400 million monthly active users engaging with Telegram bots and mini apps, the introduction of Telegram Stars represents a strategic move to capitalize on the platform’s existing user base and cement its position as a leader in the social messaging landscape. As Telegram continues to innovate and expand its offerings, it remains poised to shape the future of digital interactions and redefine the possibilities of social messaging platforms.